8.2 — If statements and blocks

The first category of control flow statements we’ll talk about is conditional statements. A is a statement that specifies whether some associated statement(s) should be executed or not. C++ supports two basic kinds of conditionals: if statements (which we introduced in lesson , and will talk about further here) and …

13.7 — Introduction to structs, members, and member selection

There are many instances in programming where we need more than one variable in order to represent something of interest. As we discussed in the introduction to the previous chapter (), a fraction has a numerator and denominator that are linked together into a single mathematical object. Alternatively, lets say …

O.2 — Bitwise operators

C++ provides 6 bit manipulation operators, often called operators: Author’s note In the following examples, we will largely be working with 4-bit binary values. This is for the sake of convenience and keeping the examples simple. In actual programs, the number of bits used is based on the size of …